Shift Left Security

What is Shift Left Security and its Key Benefits


The term “Shift Left” simply means to move towards other tasks earlier in the development process. Tasks that are traditionally done at a later stage are done earlier than specified. In this case, Shift Left refers to moving towards security at the earlier stages. A basic example of Shift Left is testing. This practice proves to be beneficial as it allows moving to security checks as early on in their SDLC. A benefit of this shifting is to test vulnerabilities earlier in the development process. This not only saves time but effort and money as well. Not to forget, security checks done earlier are cheaper and simpler to rectify. 

Why Shift Left Security is Important? 

In a lot of software development life cycles, security is often included in the later stages. However, with shift-left security, you can keep pace with newer methodologies. Today, agile methodologies have altered how are developed, processed and delivered. The process from writing code to delivering the software to the client has accelerated. Due to the fast-paced process, security teams are often challenged with higher demands and multiple issues. 

The CSA has clearly stated: Security can only be 100% achieved when it is designed into the framework. Looking for security later will only halt your progress. While moving toward left, you need to ensure to provide the necessary security tools to the developer. This will allow them to do their job well without adding to their workload. 

Fascinating Benefits of Shift Left Security

  • By incorporating shift-left security, teams can be productive enough. It will enable them to deliver higher levels of software performance. At the same time, this will lead to secure applications and systems. 
  • By integrating shift-left security, you can discover vulnerabilities at the earlier stages. This will save your effort and reduce costs as well. 
  • The best part of enabling the left shift is that you will receive notifications. This is in case, you tend to make potential errors. Using this approach will help in quickly detecting and rectifying the problems in the development phase. 
  • Another benefit of incorporating this technology is that developers get an opportunity to boost their security knowledge. They develop the skill to detect their errors. Furthermore, they can apply the best practices for software development. 
  • The next advantage of shift-left security is that the costs of detecting security issues earlier are way less. On the other hand, the costs to fix these issues at deployment are marginally higher. 

The Bottom Line 

Shift Left Security makes it easier to detect and fix issues at earlier stages of software development. This dramatically boosts quality, improves productivity, and allows faster progression. These easily approach helps fix potential issues very early in the development lifecycle. When issues are discovered earlier, developers implement various techniques to rectify them. They are also able to check the root cause of issues and tackle them accordingly. Thus, including security earliest in the software development is the best and effective approach. 

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