What Is DevSecOps

What Is DevSecOps And Why Is It Gaining So Much Popularity?

What is DevSecOps

DevSecOps is an anagram for Development, Security, and Operations. It entails automating the security implementation process at every stage of software development. This means that security is taken seriously from the initial design stages all the way through the deployment and delivery stages.

This approach to software development and deployment has aided companies in keeping their applications secure. It has also allowed developers to work more efficiently.

Companies are increasingly looking to deploy new software on a regular basis, putting additional pressure on developers to work faster. As a result, security became an afterthought, and hackers exploited far too much vulnerability.

Why is DevSecOps so important?

Over the last few years, the security aspect of software development has grown in importance. Adhering to security standards is becoming increasingly difficult due to the rapid pace of development, which is accompanied by increasingly shorter time intervals between different versions. For many businesses, the challenge becomes insurmountable if security is only considered after the development stage is complete. Companies are frequently forced to choose between improving security and spending more time on it, or lowering security standards in exchange for shorter release cycles. The latter is frequently chosen by many providers. However, DevSecOps provides an excellent solution for balancing high security with short release cycles.

The Benefits of DevSecOps

What is Devsecops

Despite the advantages of DevSecOps, it is still not widely used. At least not yet! But its popularity is definitely growing every day. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of implementing DevSecOps:

  • Security flaws are discovered during development, rather than after the app are released, when the public is impacted and the company’s reputation suffers. This is in aligned with the shift-left security paradigm
  • A higher ROI on the organization’s existing security infrastructure.
  • The process is automated, which means fewer mistakes or incidents of administration failure, both of which could contribute to cyber-attacks and downtime.
  • Security architects no longer have to configure security consoles, allowing security teams to focus on more pressing issues while increasing agility and speed.
  • Improved team communication and collaboration.
  • Greater adaptability in dealing with unanticipated changes during the development process.
  • More options for quality assurance testing and automated builds.

Future of DevSecOps 

As this article points out, more companies are adopting DevSecOps as a standard method of project development. To put it another way, the prospect of more job opportunities is promising. DevOps will either fade away or be absorbed into DevSecOps as more organizations recognise the value of end-to-end security implementation. Furthermore, the more automation added to the process, the more DevSecOps adoption will increase. 



We hope that after reading our post about why DevSecOps has become so popular, you’ll be able to apply what you’ve learned in your own company. DevSecOps enables developers and security teams to work more closely together to ensure that your software remains secure while allowing developers to work quickly.

If you’re on the fence about making the switch, think about why DevSecOps is so popular as this approach has numerous advantages, and your company could be reaping the benefits.

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