cybersecurity practice

List Of Best Ethical Hacking And Cybersecurity Practice Websites

Here is a list of some reputable cybersecurity practice websites where individuals can enhance their skills and knowledge:

1. OverTheWire

– Website: OverTheWire
– Focus: Various online war games and challenges covering different aspects of cybersecurity.

2. Hack The Box:

– Website: Hack The Box
– Focus: Virtual labs and challenges for penetration testing and ethical hacking.

3. TryHackMe:

– Website: TryHackMe
– Focus: Hands-on labs, CTFs (Capture The Flag), and learning paths for cybersecurity enthusiasts.

4. VulnHub:

– Website: VulnHub
– Focus: Virtual machines with intentionally vulnerable configurations for penetration testing practice.

5. Root Me:

– Website: Root Me
– Focus: Challenges and labs for learning and practicing hacking and security concepts.

6. PentesterLab:

– Website: PentesterLab
– Focus: Web application security exercises and labs.

7. OWASP WebGoat Project:

– Website: [OWASP WebGoat](
– Focus: A deliberately insecure web application for learning and practicing security testing skills.

8. Cybrary:

– Website: Cybrary
– Focus: Offers a variety of cybersecurity courses and labs, both free and paid.

9. Hacker101 by HackerOne:

– Website: Hacker101
– Focus: Web application security training, CTFs, and bug bounty basics.

10. CTF365:

– Website: CTF365
– Focus: Online platform for continuous training in cybersecurity through Capture The Flag challenges.

11. SecurityTube:

– Website: SecurityTube
– Focus: Video tutorials and labs on various security topics.

Remember to approach these platforms responsibly and adhere to ethical guidelines. Many of these resources are designed for educational purposes and the development of ethical hacking skills. Always ensure that you have permission to test and cybersecurity practice on any system or network.

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